Sunday, June 19, 2016

Kusheyeny Means Welcome

To say that we were warmly welcomed at church today would be an understatement of astronomical proportions. The steep mountain roads always provide a great adventure to get up to the church but when they are wet and muddy, even I get a little nervous at times. 

As we slid our way up the wet muddy road, I was concentrating on Peter's chosen line when we came around a bend to see the road lined with children waving branches and singing welcome songs! They even broke into "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" at one point along the way as they surrounded our van. 

Another huge group of people joined the parade around the next bend and yet another group after that. By the time we inched our way all the way up to the church, I was surprised there was anyone left but a good crowd stood singing and trilling at the top of the hill!
I preached and my good friend Pastor Stephen Massawe translated during the two hour, joyful worship service. Our whole group was invited up front to receive some fun gifts from the congregation near the end of the service.

After worship we spilled outside for the "offering auction." This is a wonderful tradition where people bring vegetables, eggs, sugarcane, and even bundles of grass for cattle to be auctioned off to other members of the congregation. The purchase price of each item is then credited as offering for the person who brought it. In this way people with a little money are able to support people who have none and support the church at the same time!

Next we enjoyed a delicious lunch in the lower level of the library. The food is always fantastic up at Nkweshoo even though it is all prepared over open fires on the ground! Just when everyone was sure they could not eat another bite, our gracious hosts paraded in a giant roasted goat...for dessert! 

Now we are on our way for dinner at the home of Presiding Bishop, Frederick Shoo, his family and other leaders of the diocese. It may be a few days before another post is possible as we head out for safari in the morning.

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